I apparently worked in a mall or was working on the set of a TV show that was based in a mall. There were a few other girls who worked with me and they would always give each other gifts but I would never give gifts so I was considered the jerk of the group. I tried to make up for it by writing them greeting cards but I was clairvoyant or something and every time I'd try to write in the cards, God would take over my hand and start writing weird messages like "God Loves You, be nice to the pony!" in childish handwriting with hearts all around it. After my hand stopped being possessed I wrote a stupid side note to God that just said "Dear God, Kiss all the little children. -Kate"

Things got worse and God started sending minions after me. There was some sort of hive-mind situation going on and wherever I went the minions could detect me. I was trying to find a "sterile" environment, like a lab or something, because I thought they couldn't find me there. I got on the Subway and thought I had evaded them, but then God found me and he was a bunch of different pieces of metal parts that had been magnetized together and he looked like Megatron, except really much scarier. He was clomping down the subway car towards me and I was laying on the ground screaming because he had put a paralyzer beam on me or something.
Right then, my friend Emma woke me up by tapping me on the shoulder and I jumped really high and she said my eyes bugged out, then she laughed for like 5 minutes.

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