Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Summer Love with Mikhail Baryshnikov

This dream sort of started off like a Lifetime made for TV movie. It involved me (for some reason I was Bridget Fonda) spending a summer on a lake in a flashback sequence, meeting Mikhail Baryshnikov and having a whirl-wind romance in which we tied each other up back-to-back with bright yellow rope and would go walking around the lakeshore, tied together, doing weird gymnastics moves like kartwheels and handstands and back flips.

The dream fast forwarded to me being older, having been married, divorced and having a daughter named "Kelli" who was now 18 or so. I brought her and her boyfriend to the same lake for a vacation and we were riding in a row boat on the lake, as were many other people. We came into a little lagoon-type area and my daughter fell out of the boat and we fished her out. She said "Ouch! I think I was just stung by a stingray!" I didn't believe it at first because it was a freshwater lake, but when we looked over the side of the boat there were hundreds of small stingrays the size of sandwiches swimming around in the lake.

We got to shore and my daughter started getting really sick. Mikhail Baryshnikov was there and swept us all into his SUV and brought us to the hospital, saying she only had "minutes to live." We dropped her and her boyfriend off and Mikhail brought me back to his fancy house. I asked him "Do you remember me?" and he said "How could I ever forget." He had a daughter about the same age as mine and she was dismantling a red sign that said "Kelley" (our daughters had the same name, but spelled differently) and somehow she got the sign to read "Kelli." She declared she was bringing it to the hospital to liven up my daughter's hospital room.

Mikhail randomly brought me into town for some sort of big annual event that was going on. It involved a pack of about 20 gorillas in a pen, who were all shaking and tearing apart big white pillows. There was a team of high school football players outside of the pen egging the gorillas on and daring them to grab them and throw them as far as they could. The gorillas would grab a football player and hurl him into the street. The point was to see which player could get thrown the furthest.

The scene morphed to a conference room/cafeteria where Mikhail was debuting some sort of power point presentation he was really excited about. The only thing I could pay attention to, however, were two oval mirrors that were laid down on the counter by the cafeteria's register that had deer antlers attached to them. I kept wondering if they were going to throw them out and if I could keep them.

There was another random part about going through a Burger King drive through to get a "Transparent Hamburger" which was a bun with mayo, a whole bunch of shredded lettuce, ripped up pieces of bacon, and a hamburger pattie the size of a 50 cent piece. I didn't understand what was "transparent" about it, but I ordered two, and all the lettuce fell all over me. And that's when I woke up.

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