Thursday, October 29, 2009

Get in the Dollhouse

I think this dream was my personal remix of Joss Whedon's "Dollhouse," a show which I've watched a number of episodes of recently.

I was held sort-of captive with a bunch of other people at a big, old house. We were all sort of zombified, but I was different because I thought weird thoughts and they could tell. My mom had something to do with running the house we lived in and she was the first to notice I was different. They fed us mind-control chemicals for our meals and at lunch one day they served me a neon green tube while everyone else got a small square with brown liquid and an antenna on it. Mine was intended to hurt me, and after I drank it they planned to put me away forever in a pitch black maze and remove my memory. I was allowed to wait for a week before I had to drink it and I tried my best to act normal.

During that week my friend Jahna was there running a photo shoot that entailed her leading a big line of people in primary color Halloween costumes down a winding stair case and into our livingroom. All the costumes were blocky and bright -- I think some of them were Super Mario Bros characters. The photos appeared in as half-page images and they looked motion blurred and grainy like they were taken with an iphone.

At the end of the week it was time for me drink the green vial and go in the maze. I decided to try one last ditch effort to convince my Mom to let me stay, so I put on a lavender dress. Somehow that convinced her I was normal and she gave me a second chance at the last second. I was standing by the door of the maze and saw that one of my friends was in the maze and tried to come up with a plan to get him out, but he was in a true zombie state and when I tried to talk to him he couldn't hear me.

There was also a random part about sandwich shops giving away 99 cent sandwiches and lots of weirdos were crowded in a shop that was near our house. One was wearing a t-shirt that said "don't drink the water, just get in my belly" with an arrow pointing to a big black square on the lower half of her shirt.

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