Monday, November 30, 2009

I think this dream is telling me to hire a cleaning lady.

I can only remember a couple snippets from my dreams last night. My cat kept waking me up over and over so they kept getting interrupted and not sticking.

Perez Hilton and someone else were living in my apartment with me. We all were extremely messy and as soon as the apartment was clean, we would mess it up again by throwing stuff all over the place and never putting anything back where it was supposed to go. I was really fed up with it and tried to demand that we "throw all garbage in the garbage can from now on" but it was just met by blank stares. Perez Hilton went to bed in a huff, but not before putting a lamp with a blue light bulb onto the porch for no reason. I thought it would attract burglars for some reason and unplugged it.

There was another part about me meeting a guy who had a fetish of "cleaning up after people." I was torn about getting involved with him because I really wanted someone to clean up my apartment all the time, but was creeped out because he always carried around a weirdly shaped white ceramic bowl that he insisted I puke in once in awhile to make him happy.

I know there were a bunch of other zany elements to my dreams last night but I can't remember. Maybe I'll remember more later.

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